Treaties and Agreements South Asia Treaties Indo Bangladesh Treaties India-Bangladesh Agreement on Ganga 1996 India-Bangladesh Agreement on Ganga 1977 Teesta Draft Treaty from 37th Meeting held from 17.03.2010 – 20.03.2010 Protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade Second Addendum to Protocol Indo Nepal Treaties Kosi Treaty, 1975 Mahakali Treaty, 1996 Gandak Treaty, 1975 India-Nepal Agreement on Kosi 1966 India-Nepal Agreement on Gandak 1959 India-Nepal Agreement on Kosi 1954 India Pakistan Treaties Indus Waters Treaty, 1960 India China Treaties Indo China MOU on Brahmaputra, 2008 Indo China MOU on Sutlej, 2013 South East Asian Treaties Mekong Agreement and Procedural Rules, 1995 African Treaties and Agreements Treaties 14 Nation South African Developing Community’s Protocol on Shared Watercourse, 2000 Treaty for establishment and functioning of Joint Water Commission between Swaziland & South Africa, 1992 Treaty between Lesotho & South Africa on Highlands Water Project, 1986 Treaty on Komati River between Swaziland & South Africa, 1992 Agreements Agreement between Angola Botswana & Namibia on Okavango River Basin water commission, 1994 Agreement between Nigeria & Niger concerning equitable sharing and use of common water resources, 1990 Agreement between Sudan & UAE on utilisation of Nile waters, 1959 Agreement on Cunene River Basin between South Africa & Portugal, 1969 Agreement on Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework (all states of Nile River Basin),2010 Agreement on Zambezi River Between Zambia & Zimbabwe, 1987 Agreement on Zambezi River Management between Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia & Zimbabwe Tripartite Agreement between Egypt Sudan and Ethopia on Nile River 2015 European Treaties Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable use of the Danube River (Danube River Protection Convention) Agreement between Finland and Sweden on Transboundary Rivers 2009 USA-Canada and Neighbouring countries Agreement Between USA and Canada on Great Lake Water Quality Convention between USA and Mexico on Rio Grande Waters Treaty between USA & Mexico on waters of Rio Grande Boundary Waters Treaty between USA and Canada