Brahmaputra Dams Promise Prosperity But at a Big Cost

ROTTUNG, Arunachal Pradesh—I’m standing, weak-kneed, midway across the gorge of the Siang River, one of the three tributaries that converge to form the Brahmaputra River. Treading slowly over a bamboo suspension footbridge 300-odd meters long and just a meter wide, I...

Brahmaputra: Panel alert on China projects

An inter-ministerial expert panel on the Brahmaputra has asked the government to intensify monitoring construction projects in the middle reaches of the river by China. It has also cautioned that China may replicate the same in the Grea Bend area. Read...

Drought-hit China to divert Brahmaputra?

New Delhi: In a new development, which is likely to cause fresh tension in Sino-India ties, reports, Monday, claimed that China is planning to divert the waters of Brahmaputa River, from the upper reaches, in order to tackle the severe drought situation prevailing in...